APRIL 6 – JUNE 1, 2024
The Huntington Beach Art Center is pleased to present Rasquachismo, a multi-media exhibition celebrating the aesthetics and transformative power of Lowriders. Featuring work by William Camargo with Alkaid Ramirez, Justin Favela, Stephanie Mercado, Arturo Meza II, Aaron Moctezuma, José Manuel Flores Nava, Juliana Rico, Alicia Villegas-Rolon, and Cora J. Quiroz. Emerging from the barrios of Southern California, lowriding brought forth a long resistance against the American Dream and dominant idealist norms that attempted to anglicize the young Chicanx individual. Forces of the Anglo-American culture did all it could to disrupt and omit the lowrider. From individual traffic stops to passing county-wide laws, all were attempts to take the lowrider off the streets. Low and slow, their metallic bodies transfigured in response. Now, unapologetically visible, lowriders glisten in candy-colored paint and dance with the aid of hydraulics. The power of lowriding extends beyond the car’s aesthetics, however. It has become a rasquachismo expression of Mexican-American, and, eventually, Chicanx identity.
‘Rasquachismo,’ an exhibition celebrating the aesthetics and transformative power of Lowriders.
Huntington Beach Art Center
April 6 – June 1, 2024
538 Main Street | Huntington Beach | CA | 92648